A History of the Barcroft School and Civic League
by Charlotte Maupin Manning
The following pages are scanned from a ring-bound book prepared by Charlotte Manning in 1973.
After it was prepared the author circulated the book to various Barcrofters who reviewed it for accuracy. To her recollection, these reviewers included Orie Potts, Anne Noll, Adaline Marie Robertson, Phyllis Kinsey and perhaps Frances Kennedy.
Underlining has been changed to italics for this Web version. Spelling is as it appeared in the original, with the possible exception of scanner errors. The pages of the book were not numbered except for the first article, so we have added page numbers in brackets.
The land on which the present building belonging to The Barcroft School and Civic League now stands, known as the Barcroft Community House, was originally part of a tract of land known as "Cedar Hill". On the 9th day of December 1892, Frank E. Corbett sub-divided the tract of land which was in Arlington Magisterial District, Alexandria County, Virginia, and called it "Corbett". A map of "Corbett" Sub-division is part of the land records in Arlington County Court House. (Liber N4, Page 488-489).
On February 25, 1903 the Sub-division known as "Corbett" was sold by the executor of Frank E. Corbett's estate to Abbie G. Fox of the City of Washington, D. C. (Book 107, Page 299).
On April 22, 1904, Abbie G. Fox made a Deed of Vacation of the Sub-division known as "Corbett" and made a Deed of Dedication for a Sub-division known as "Barcroft", a map of which is part of the land records at Arlington County Court House. (Book 110, Page 55).
The first newspaper in Barcroft was published June 7, 1903 and was called ''The Barcroft News". This newspaper was published fortnightly by 0. Edw. Haring, Editor and was edited and printed by Mr. Sidney T. Marye, whose daughter, Mrs. Adalyne Marye Robertson, presently resides at the family home at 902 South Buchanan Street, and furnished xerox copies of most of the issues. The Marye house was the first to be built on top of the hill in the Corbett Subdivision. In the November 9, 1903 issue of the Barcroft News there is an article which reads as follows:
"There is a movement on foot to raise a fund for the building of a city hall in Barcroft. Several of our citizens are enthusiastic upon the subject, and a meeting will be held soon in order to formulate plans."
This, undoubtedly, was the first thought of what is now "The Barcroft Community House". The last copy of the newspaper was issued November 23, 1903.
In 1907 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney T. Marye were leaders in starting the first Barcroft School. The town of Barcroft had about ten children ready for school and Mr. Marye was instrumental in persuading Mrs. Amy Fairfax to start school in her home. The Fairfax home at that time adjoined the property on which the Community House now resides. During that year many new houses were built in Barcroft on the properties of Mrs. Abigail Fox by her son-in-law Mr. S. P. Wright, which brought in more people and more children thus creating a need for a larger school.
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On the 23rd day of May 1908, Abbie G. Fox, widow, of Alexandria County, Virginia, gave a deed for the land that the Community house now resides to Charles Kolb, B. F. Perrow, S. T. Marye, William Pierpoint, John R. Robinson, Benjamin Smith, Harry Dye, Henry Faegans and Kate Robinson, Trustees of the Barcroft Methodist Episcopal Church of Barcroft, Virginia, and their successors in office as trustees of said church, the amount of ground being conveyed 14,500 square feet. (Book 118, Page 187) (Copy attached, Incl.#l).
Mr. Marye took the lead in asking for contributions of money and labor to build the present Barcroft Community House. He was aided greatly by Reverend Wm Pierpoint, the Oscar Harings and Miss Virgie Doremus (who later married Mr. George Pepper) who were interested in having a church in Barcroft.
Mr. Pierpoint gave his time and, with the help of Wm. Gibson Garrett and others of the town's men in their spare time, built the Barcroft Community House which was to serve as a school, church and community house.
After the erection of the building, an organization, known first as "The Barcroft Citizens Association" then renamed the "Barcroft School and Civic League", was formed by the townspeople to help pay for the building. This organization gave suppers, lawn parties, plays, etc to raise money for this purpose. The earliest recorded memberships in the Barcroft Civic League is April, 1912. There are thirty-three members listed for that year. The building was rented to the School Board which also helped meet expenses. School was held in this building until the completion of the new Barcroft School which opened September 21,1925.
On the 21st day of August 1914, a deed was made by and between Harry Force, Harry Dye, Ben M. Smith, John R. Robinson' and S. T. Marye, Trustees of the Barcroft Methodist Episcopal Church of Barcroft, Alexandria County, Virginia to The Barcroft School and Civic League, a Virginia Corporation* (Book 144, Page 59) 7-Copy attached, Incl. #2).
The Original Certificate of Incorporation of The Barcroft School and Civic League was dated June 8, 1914. The first President was Sanford W. Smith and the first Secretary was Annie H. Beattie. The Directors were:
Thomas J. Armstrong - 1 year
May Smillie Handy - 2 years
James G. Pepper - 3 years
William Froyd - 4 years
anford W. Smith - 5 years
A copy of the Original Certificate of Incorporation is enclosed together with a copy of the original By-Laws of the organization. (Copy attached, Incl.#3 and #4).
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There were many lean years in the history of the Community House. In the January 5, 1922 minutes it is noted "Mr. Gould spoke of the League Property being up for sale for non-payment of taxes". The taxes at that time were $13.25 a year.
In 1922 the League was responsible for selecting the present site on which the Barcroft School is located, in preference to land already owned for that purpose by the School Board. In June, 1927, the Civic League received from the School Board a refund of the sum the league paid on the new school site. This was accomplished since money obtained from the sale of bonds was used to purchase land for schools in other communities in the County.
In the November 15, 1926 minutes it is noted that the Community House was to be remodeled for the sum of $600.00. This was to cover the cost of a new roof, excavating for a furnace, building a stage5 and a front porch with a new front door.
On August 26, 1932 a "Certificate of Incorporation for a Non-Stock Corporation of the Barcroft School and Civic League". was granted. The Directors were:
Claude L. Chew
C. W. Jones
T. J. Armstrong
J. G. Pepper
C. Orie Potts
The officers were C. Orie Potts, President; Gus Lee Hogan, Vice President; and Herman G. Freiwald, Secretary. A copy of the Certificate is attached. (Incl. #5)
With regard to building improvements, in 1937 a contract was awarded to install a ceiling in the Community House and water connections were made that year. The September 9, 1937 minutes show a Treasurers Report with a balance of $0.88 on hand. There is a note, "Immediate steps were taken to raise funds to meet current expenses, and a committee was appointed to make arrangements for a chicken supper to be served at the Community House the latter part of September."
On March 3, 1938 it was moved and carried that the League sponsor the organization of a Boys Club. This Club operated until October 2, 1944 when it was officially disbanded.
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Over the years the Community House has been used as a meeting place by the following organizations
Barcroft Union Church Sunday School Singing Class
Wolverton Bible Class
Boosters Club
Boys Club
Camp Fire Girls
Kiwanis Boys Band
Girl Scouts
New Apostolic Church
Rod and Reel Club
South Arlington A.As
American Legion
Glenwood Cooperative School
The Barcroft Bible Church now located at 915 South Wakefield Street [NOTE: moved to Fairfax in 1986] grew out of services sponsored by the Woolverton Bible Class of The Barcroft Union Sunday School formed in 1913 and held in the Barcroft Community House. The first Superintendent was Sanford W. Smith. Later Superintendents were George Ryder, C. V. Wolverton, Ralph Kincheloe, Frances Kennedy, C. S. Muse, and Mr. Potts. Ministers who served illustrate the community church nature of the congregation. They were the Revs. William Pierpoint, Methodist; Maurice E. Derr, Episcopal; Lionel E. Capers, Episcopal; W. L. Purier, Baptist; D. E. Day, Methodist, and David Hicks, Congregationalist.
Our records show that two people have been presented with "honorary lift-time memberships" in the Barcroft School and Civic League. These are Mr. Walter Handy on November 5, 1943, and Mr. Thos. J. Armstrong on December 2, 1943. There are many who have contributed much to the Barcroft Community through their civic endeavors, and to all of these people we are most grateful.
Respectfully submitted,
Charlotte Maupin Manning
September, 1973
Excerpts made from History of the Barcroft School compiled in 1940 by Louise Bridges Payne.
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c o p y
Volume 118, Page 187 of the Land Records of Arlington County, Virginia
Abbie G. Fox, widow to: B & S Examd & Ind
Charles Kolb et al trs.
Made this 23rd day of May, 1908 by and between ABBIE G. FOX, widow, of Alexandria County, Virginia, party of the first part and Charles Kolb, B. F. Perrow, S. T. Marye, William Pierpoint, John R. Robinson, Benjamin Smith, Harry Dye, Henry Faegans and Kate Robinson, trustees of the Barcroft M.E. Church of Barcroft, Virginia, parties of the second part and their successors in office as trustees of said Church,
WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars, cash in hand paid, the said Abbie G. Fox, does grant with covenants of general warranty of title, unto the said parties of the second part, and their successors in office as trustees of Barcroft Methodist Episcopal Church of Barcroft, Alexandria County, Virginia,
All those two certain portions of lots three and four in Block lettered "D" in the subdivision of Barcroft as per plat of same July of record in the Clerk's office of Alexandria County, Va. in D.B. No. 110, page 53 one of the land records of said County save and except the rear 15 feet of each lot, the amount of ground hereby conveyed being 14500 square feet.
IN TRUST for the use and benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America, its Ministry and members subject, however, to the discipline, usage and ministerial appointments of said church, as from time to time authorized and declared, and if ever sold, the proceeds shall be disposed of and used in accordance with the provisions of said church.
The said Abbie G. Fox covenants that she has the right to convey the said land to the grantees and their successors in office; that she has done no act to encumber the said land; that the grantees and their successors in office shall have quiet possession of the said land free from all encumbrances and that she the said party of the first part will execute such further assurance of the said land as may be requisite.
WITNESS the following signature and seal,
Abbie G. Fox SEAL
In the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Alexandria County, July 18/08, this deed was received and with the annexed certificate admitted to record at 9 o clock AM Teste;
s/ Geo.E. Rucker, Clerk
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c o p y
August 21, 1914
Barcroft School & Civic League
FR Force, Harry & ALS, TRS B&S
Book 144 Page 59
TO: B. & S.
The Barcroft School and Civic League
This DEED made this 21st day of August, 1914, by and between HARRY FORCE, HARRY DYE, BEN M. SMITH, JOHN R. ROBINSON and S. T. MARYE, trustees of the Barcroft M.E. Church of Barcroft, Alexandria County, Virginia, parties of the first part and "THE BARCROFT SCHOOL AND CIVIC LEAGUE" a Virginia Corporation, party of the second part;
WITNESSETH, that, Whereas the parties of the first part were duly appointed trustees of the Barcroft M. E. Church of Barcroft, Alex. County, Virginia, by order of the Judge of the Circuit Court of the said county entered on l8th day of August, 1914;
And whereas by order of the said court entered on the 19th day of August, 1914, the said parties of the first part were authorized to make sale of the property hereinafter described to the Barcroft School and Civic League, party of the second part, when said parties Of the first part should receive from the party of the second part a note for the sum of one hundred fifty dollars with interest at six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, said note being negotiable and payable two years after date, and to execute and deliver a good and sufficient deed to the party of the second part conveying the said property subject to the unpaid balance of the deed of trust now on record against the same;
Now therefore this deed witnesseth, that in consideration of the premises, and the assumption of the unpaid balance of the first trust herein before mentioned and the execution and delivery of the said note above set forth receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and by and with the authority and direction of the congregation of the said Church and of the Circuit Court of Alexandria County, Virginia, the said parties of the first part do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey the said party of the second part, with special warranty of title, all of those lots of land with the improvements thereon, situated in Alexandria County Virginia, and known and described as
Lots 3 and 4 Block D, of the subdivision of Barcroft as the same appears duly platted, dedicated and recorded in Deed Book 110, at page 53, of the land records of the said County; being the same land conveyed to the trustees of the said church by Abbie G. Fox, widow, by deed dated May 23rd 1908, and recorded in Deed Book 118, at page 187 of the land records of the said County, less and except the rear 15 feet of said lots;
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This deed is made subject to the terms of the deed of trust now on the said property, the unpaid balance of which is hereby assumed by the party of the second part as a part consideration for these presents
WITNESS the following signatures and seals, Harry Force Harry Dye Ben M. Smith John R. Robinson S. T. Marye
Trustees of the Barcroft M. E. Church of Barcroft, Alexandria County, Virginia
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