Barcroft Neighborhood Goals
From the Barcroft Neighborhood Conservation Plan
Responses on the Neighborhood Conservation questionnaire confirm that Barcroft's residents are most concerned about preserving and enhancing the quality of life in their neighborhood. Their most important goals are to:
- Preserve the neighborhood's essential character as an area of single-family homes.
- Preserve the open, uncrowded nature of the neighborhood by discouraging infill and pipestem development.
- Ensure that the redevelopment of the Arlington Hall site by Federal Government agencies provides additional park space, improves public access to the site, improves the appearance of the site, provides for a usable bicycle trail to the Thomas Jefferson Community Center and does not have adverse traffic, parking or pollution impacts on Barcroft.
- Protect the core area of the neighborhood from cut-through traffic and speeding, while maintaining convenient access to and across major arterial streets and to adjacent retail centers.
- Promote pedestrian safety by completing the neighborhood's sidewalks, curbs and gutters; improving the maintenance of the sidewalks now in place; and improving street lighting where it is inadequate.
- Improve access to parks and recreation facilities.
- Support the renovation of Barcroft School to serve neighborhood needs.
- Improve the appearance of Columbia Pike businesses and encourage them to provide the mix of services and retail stores which the neighborhood needs, without increasing scale or density.
- Improve the appearance of Barcroft’s streetscape at specific locations with additional landscaping or street improvements.
- Promote broader recognition of Barcroft's name with appropriate signs at entrances to the neighborhood.
- Encourage a neighborhood spirit which will preserve the friendly, open relations between neighbors which make Barcroft a fine place to live.