
The Barcroft School & Civic League is the neighborhood civic association representing members of the Barcroft neighborhood. Residents are eligible for memberships as either an individual member or a household member.

Memberships run from January through December of each year. All members must renew annually. January is time to renew or join. Dues are $5 per adult ($10 per couple), and membership is limited to Barcroft residents.

You can review the Current Membership Roster (see link under Membership Resources on Menu at right) to see if you have paid your dues.

You can join by filling out and submitting a membership form (PDF) to the BSCL Treasurer or Online by using the “Join and Renew Online” link on the Membership Resources Menu at right.

The membership meets every month (except in the summers) on the first Thursday of each month. When we vote on neighborhood issues, only members can vote. Joining says you are interested in your neighborhood and want to be part of what happens there. The larger our membership, the better we are heard by the county and other organizations.

All BSCL events are carried out by volunteers. Please consider volunteering to help with some of the activities. Help is needed with all events and at all levels. The form lists some areas that you might find interesting, or you may want to start something new. Just show what you'd like to do under 'Other'. Volunteering is fun, and you meet some interesting people.