Parks and Environment Committee Minutes

Meeting of March 5, 2006
Neighborhood Parks Walk

Memorandum To: Parks and Environment Committee
From: Noreen Atkinson

Subject: March 5, 2006 Neighborhood Parks Walk

On Sunday (3/5/06) about a dozen Barcroft residents took an invigorating walk through the parks around the neighborhood. The groups observations and concerns are listed below.

Arlington Run:

The narrow asphalt path from Abingdon St. down the run and up to the other side of the vale to the Arlington Forest neighborhood the surface is breaking up in many places and erosion is damaging the path. In other parts the path is covered with moss.

Glen Carlyn Park:

Concerns were voiced about the dog park adjacent to Four Mile Run - compaction of the soil, erosion, dog urine, etc. from heavy use of the park and impact on stream water quality. Concerns about dogs in the water.

Walking the path on the western bank of Four Mile Run down to Columbia Pike there was significant evidence of invasive non-native plants including English Ivy and Tree of Heaven. Ivy also noted throughout the park.

Undercutting of the spill-way walls at the drain of Sparrow Pond was noted due to slow moving water. Drainage ditch cleaned to lessen pooling?

Columbia Pike Park:

Widen the sidewalk on Columbia Pike from W&OD entrance to the bridge?

Create path in Park that loops back to bike path?

Install a sturdier fence along Columbia Park at park entrance to W&OD to replace split rail fencing?

Place benches (preferably with curved seats) in park?

Sparrow Pond:

Removal of silt at the first drainage pond? (The wildlife was quite a treat, especially the wood-ducks!)

Grandma's Creek:

Walked along the creek from the bike path entrance near 7th Street to Buchanan St. site of the old Vepco substation. Noted substantial growth of invasive plants.

Old Vepco Substation:

What should be done about reusing the site as a park or playground? Site still contains substantial toxic waste - PCBs etc.

Arlington Hall Park (off Taylor St.near 4th St):

Open gate to tunnel under George Mason and add ramp at side of stairs for bike path? Note that this is the only underground passage way across George Mason.

Add tennis courts in lower lot of park near playground area?

Erosion in dry-stream bed of the picnic area. 

REMINDER: Next Meeting - Monday 3:00 PM March 13, 2006 at Shirley's house. Bring three questions for the questionnaire.