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November 2015 BSCL Meeting


The Barcroft School and Civic League (BSCL) met at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2015 at the Barcroft Community House. BSCL president Chris Kupczyk called the meeting to order.

Chris announced that, since recording secretary Christine Hopkins was unable to attend, the approval of October’s meeting minutes would be tabled until January. Chris then introduced Marietta Gelfort, Adam Johnson, and Melissa McMahon, who gave presentation on car2go, a point-to-point car sharing rental service that has begun a demonstration study with Arlington County. 

  • For the demonstration, car2go has stationed approximately 100 cars in Arlington. Residents may sign up online to use them for one-way trips in lieu of buses, Metrorail, or their own cars.
  • Users pay a one-time registration fee of $35 no annual renewal fee. Can use membership in the United States and Canada. Car2go is offering a $5 introductory fee and 60 free minutes of drive time for a trial period. The cost is 41 cents per minute plus $1 insurance fee for the first 90 trips in a given a year. The maximum charge is $14.99 per hour, which a driver will reach in 36 minutes. Car2go reviews prospective customers’ driving records and keeps their credit or debit card numbers on file.  
  • Car2go staff ensures vehicles are distributed throughout the county.
  • Drivers may drive up to 200 miles outside Arlington, but they must return the vehicle in Arlington. Drivers may park in any legal spot, metered or zoned. They do not need a zone permit, nor do they need to pay a meter. Car2go pays for parking, gas, insurance, registration fees. Drivers are responsible for parking or speeding tickets or towing expenses. (Car2go also does not cover parking in private garages.)
  • Car2go will issue membership cards if a driver doesn’t have a smart phone. The keys are located in the car; drivers may unlock it with their smart phone or membership card.

One participant stated that she was unable to drive and asked how the service might benefit her. In her case, she would need to enlist someone who was able to drive or use an alternate transportation mode. 

Before adjourning, Chris reminded everyone that the annual BSCL holiday party would take on December 3 lieu of a regular meeting. Monthly meetings will resume on January 7, 2016.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, 
Chris Kupczyk

See all BSCL minutes

Earlier Event: September 10
September 2015 BSCL Meeting
Later Event: January 7
January 2016 BSCL Meeting