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September 2015 BSCL Meeting


Minutes of the Barcroft School and Civic League Monthly Meeting

September 10, 2015

7:30 President Chris Kupczyk called meeting to order

Minutes from May 14th meeting were approved with a motion from Joe Knarich, seconded by Glenn Li.

The 2015-2016 Budget was proposed and discussed. Motion to approve made by Christine Hopkins, seconded by Barbara Swart.

Dedra Curtman gave an update to the SAWG committee.

Jeremiah Severn from Woodrow Street updated us on his Eagle Scout project that includes some hardscaping on the Barcroft property, under the supervision of Scott Brinitzer.

Jason Hardin from Arlington County Capital Bike Share gave a presentation on how they choose new locations for Bike SHare racks. 202 909 6902. They intend to install a new rack in Barcroft next summer near Columbia Pike and Taylor Street.

Christine Hopkins is acting as Membership Secretary.

Deborah Wood requested and alternate for her on the Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee.

Next month’s guest: Libby Garvey, Arlington County Board Member

Motion to adjourn made by Christine Hopkins, second by Glenn L

See all BSCL minutes

Earlier Event: May 14
May 2015 Special BSCL Meeting
Later Event: November 5
November 2015 BSCL Meeting