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May 2015 Special BSCL Meeting


Approved Minutes of the BSCL Special Meeting

May 14, 2015

Barcroft Community House

President Chris Kupszyk called the meeting to order at 7:40. No prior minutes introduced. Treasurer Fay reminded all present about membership dues.


David Cristeal, Housing Director from Arlington County Department of Community Planning, Housing and Development Housing Division shared a slide presentation of the current draft of the Affordable Housing Study.

LINK TO Presentation

Questions for Mr. Cristeal included:

  • Why implementation of distribution not accounted for from 2011?
  • Has rezoning been considered?
  • Has the County studied the correlation between Latinos and obesity?
  • How can we encourage reuse of existing structures versus building new?
  • What code enforcement and inspection does the County do for ALL Rental units?
  • How will implementation be measured and encouraged?
  • Can we slow down Growth?
  • How does new affordable housing effect Barcroft Title I Funding?
  • In light of 75 new students to Barcroft how will the budget be affected?

At 8:35 President Chris Kupszyk thanked Mr. Cristeal for attending, and indicated that we would move on to the Special meeting topic. Mr. Kupszyk made a motion, seconded by Christine Hopkins to limit t 90 seconds any comment and discussion on topic. Motion passed.

David McTagent made a motion, seconded by Jim Lande to draft a 3rd alternate resolution (in addition to two previously circulated resolutions) that would applaud and encourage the County for the fine plan. Discussion on the motion included encouraging accountability to upholding the Plan. The motion was called by Dedra and failed to pass.

Eric Harold made a motion which was seconded by Danielle Quist to adopt a resolution in favor of sending the letter drafted by Eric Harold and Daniel Weir to Chair Hynes (attach letter) .The motion was called by Glenn Li/Sarah Banne. Motion failed.

Glenn Li motioned with a second by Sarah Banned to adopt a letter to the Affordable Housing Study Group, written by Josh Waldman. The motion was amended by Kate Besalance and seconded by Dedra to change the paragraph: to read Discussion on the motion included comment on the changing demographic in Barcroft and the need for Barcrofts and Arlingtonians to keep the County Board accountable to their own policy. Question was called by Sara Bannon. Motion passed.

Jill made a motion to add a vote tally and proxy count as an addendum which was seconded by Iris Iafredo. Discussion on the motion included concern that all Barcroft members had not been notified or represented at the Special Meeting. Motion failed.

At 9:20 the President motioned seconded by Glenn Li to close the meeting. Motion passed.

See all BSCL minutes

Earlier Event: April 2
April 2015 BSCL Meeting
Later Event: September 10
September 2015 BSCL Meeting