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April 2015 BSCL Meeting


Minutes of the Barcroft School and Civic League Meeting

April 2, 2015

Barcroft Community House

Vice President Chris Kupczyk called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. The minutes of the February meeting were approved without change. (There was no March meeting.) Presdient Eric Harold joined the meeting later.

The BSCL approved an expenditure of about $2,000 to replace the Community House front porch railings and front sidewalk.


Kirsten Beuhls from the Virginia Extension Service briefed us on some of the challenges of growing yards and gardens in Barcroft. She answered many questions from the members.

Her contact information is:
Kirsten Buhls, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent
Virginia Cooperative Extension, Arlington County Office
Fairlington Community Center
3308 S. Stafford St., Arlington VA 22206

Telephone 703-228-6400

The meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted
Randy Swart, Recording Secretar

See all BSCL minutes

Later Event: May 14
May 2015 Special BSCL Meeting